I spent my childhood in England, bound by proper behavior, strict rules and punishments. When adolescence hit, I discovered the martial arts and fell in love with its physicality and artistry. It gave me a positive outlet, and ignited the spark of connection between my inner life and my external expression. 

It's this quest to connect my physicality with my emotional life that ultimately brought me to embodiment work as a way to feel more anchored, vibrant and alive. 

I'd been in traditional therapy for many years, and while I felt support and relief, I wasn't able to gain any real traction. It wasn't until I literally stumbled upon Radical Aliveness and had the opportunity to trust my body's full expressions of anger, grief, vulnerability, and pleasure that I began to inhabit myself more fully, and uncover a direct path to my essence.

During this pivotal time, I was working as a high school English teacher and becoming increasingly interested in how my students’ emotional lives both helped and hindered them. This, coupled with my own profound experience with Radical Aliveness, led me to a very natural shift from teaching to somatic therapy.

Jo Sandry, MA, CCEP

Jo Sandry, MA, CCEP

I now hold a Masters in Somatic Psychotherapy and certification in Radical Aliveness/Core Energetics. In my work with clients, I bring compassion, creativity, humor, and a direct, embodied approach that honors the fullness of who we all are -- our courage and vitality, the delicacy of our deepest aches, and resiliency to reclaim it all.